
Contact: Lia Heifetz and Matt Kern
City: Juneau, AK, 99801
Phone: 907-321-5425
About Us
Barnacle uses locally grown and harvested ingredients to make delicious ready-to-open-and-eat-the-whole-jar foods inspired by Alaska. This born and raised Juneau team alchemizes abundant Alaskan edibles, like kelp, into a flavor experience. We offer a variety of salsas, pickles, and dried seasonings featured bull kelp that is harvested by hand out of the waters of Southeast.
Unique, portable, local, giftable, consumable, delicious. Yummm.
Unique, portable, local, giftable, consumable, delicious. Yummm.
We make foods in Alaska to keep the value chain as close to home as possible. Our business model is aimed at sustaining strong communities and stewardship of the rich coastal ecosystem.
In order for Barnacle to thrive we must support the communities around us and steward the environment our ingredients come from.
We harvest our kelp by hand and process it into salsas, pickles, and dried seasonings in a commercial facility in Juneau.
In order for Barnacle to thrive we must support the communities around us and steward the environment our ingredients come from.
We harvest our kelp by hand and process it into salsas, pickles, and dried seasonings in a commercial facility in Juneau.